About Me
This world is vast and full of wonders, and I am inspired anew each day by the enormity of it all. I am an engineer, astronomer, and photographer, and it has been my great privilege to travel extensively.
I love sharing my passion for our amazing universe in hopes of providing a different perspective on our place within it all. I am also passionate about protecting our freedoms and civil rights. They say that art can change the world…and while my photos may not be world-changing, I can still do my part. Until further notice, all profits from this site will be donated directly to the American Civil Liberties Union. After all, what good is art if we don’t have the freedoms to enjoy it? Learn more about the ACLU here.
Please enjoy perusing the galleries, and I hope you will find a bit of inspiration there of your own! If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you.
Keep looking up!